Mario Teguh's Quotes

Planets of the Solar System

Earth Today



Wallpapers of Outer Space

These are some of the best wallpapers based on me that i took from one of my favorite site. The name of the site is "wanderingspace". You can visit this site if you are have the same favorite subject just like me. Enjoy these pictures. :)

(click these pictures below to full view of these pictures)

Wallpaper 1: ISS and Shuttle Separation

Wallpaper 2: Iapetus Terminator
Wallpaper: Iapetus Terminator

Wallpaper 3: Mercury Portrait Updated Jan 2008
Wallpaper: Mercury Portrait Updated Jan 2008

Wallpaper 4: Northern Cloudtops on Saturn
Wallpaper: Northern Cloudtops on Saturn

Wallpaper 5: Southern Saturn
Wallpaper: Southern Saturn

Wallpaper 6: Endeavor Departs ISS
Endeavor Departs ISS 

Wallpaper 7: Endeavor Against Earth Horizon
Wallpaper: Endeavor Against Earth Horizon

Wallpaper 8: Endeavor Docked
Wallpaper: Endeavor Docked

Wallpaper 9: The International Space Station
Wallpaper: The International Space Station

Wallpaper 10: Sun
Wallpaper: Sun


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