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STS-134 Shuttle Commander Mark Kelly appears at U2360° Concert in Seattle: Music Video

Check out this out-of-this-world surprise delivered by the rock band U2 to their concert audience at Quest Field, Seattle U2 on the night of June 4;

A video message from STS-134 Shuttle Commander Mark E. Kelly - From the Official U2 YouTube Website

According to the website, “Bono dedicated ‘Beautiful Day’ to Gabby Giffords, before asking, “Imagine a man looking down on us from 200 miles up. Looking down at our beautiful crowded planet… What would he say to us…? What is on your mind Commander Kelly?”

Kelly recorded a special message for his wife, Gabby Giffords, while he was floating inside the Cupola Observation Dome aboard the International Space Station during the STS-134 mission which landed safely on June 1 at the Kennedy Space Center.

“Hello Seattle… from the International Space Station.”

Before finishing on a line from David Bowie’s ‘Space Oddity’ : “I’m looking forward to coming home. Tell my wife I love her very much… she knows,” said Kelly

STS-134 Space Shuttle Commander Mark Kelly inside the Cupola dome at the International Space Station. Kelly unveils a special message for the U2360° concert crowd,
which floats at will in the weightlessness of space. Credit: NASA
U2 has collaborated with NASA since their 2009 world tour to “include a dialogue between the band and the crew of the International Space Station.”

U2360° has worked with NASA and the International Space Station throughout this tour – having previously linked up with Belgian astronaut Commander Frank De Winne, Michael Barratt of NASA, Bob Thirsk of the Canadian Space Agency, Koichi Wakata of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, and Gennady Padalka and Roman Romanenko of the Russian Federal Space Agency as well as Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte during his visit to the International Space Station.

“Working with U2 is atypical for NASA,” said Bill Gerstenmaier, NASA’s associate administrator for Space Operations in a NASA statement. “By combining their world tour with the space station’s out-of-this-world mission, more people — and different people than our normal target audiences — learned about the International Space Station and the important work we are doing in orbit.”

Be sure to check out this longer video version – and listen to the cheering crowd

Bono Intro to Beautiful Day with Commander Mark Kelly – U2 – Seattle, WA – June 4, 2011

STS-134 Space Shuttle Commander Mark Kelly. Credit: Ken Kremer 

Read Ken Kremer's features about the final mission of Endeavour, STS 134, starting here
Era of Space Shuttle Endeavour Ends with June 1 landing at the Kennedy Space Center


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White Hole Kemungkinan Hadir di Alam Semesta

Anda pernah mendengar black hole? Ia merupakan sebuah celah gelap di ruang angkasa yang menghisap seluruh benda yang ada di sekelilingnya dan melemparnya ke ruang ketiadaan. Kini sejumlah ilmuwan menyebutkan bahwa pernah ada bukti akan adanya lawan dari black hole.

Kebalikan dari black hole, white hole atau lubang putih tidak menghisap benda di sekeliling namun memuntahkan material yang berasal dari tempat antah berantah ke alam semesta kita.

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Best Images from STS-134, Endeavour’s Final Mission

Astronaut Drew Feustel reenters the space station after completing an 8-hour, 7-minute spacewalk at on Sunday, May 22, 2011. He and fellow spacewalker Mike Fincke conducted the second of the four EVAs during the STS-134 mission. Credit: NASA

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UK and European Space Agencies Give a Go For Skylon Spaceplane

After 30 years of development, the UK and European space agencies have given a go for the Skylon Spaceplane.

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How the New Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle Stacks Up

See how NASA's new Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, based on the Orion capsule, stacks up against other crewed spaceships in this infographic.


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NASA Akan Hadirkan Pom Bensin di Luar Angkasa

Penjelajah luar angkasa yang perlu mengisi ulang tangki bahan bakarnya saat dalam perjalanan ke Bulan atau ke Mars dalam waktu dekat akan dapat mampir ke stasiun pengisian bahan bakar di orbit.

Dikabarkan, NASA menyediakan tender senilai US$200 juta atau sekitar Rp1,7 triliun bagi yang mampu menunjukkan bagaimana menyimpan dan mentransfer bahan-bakar roket di luar angkasa.

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Video: The View From 100,000 Feet


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Spectacular Soyuz Photo Gallery shows Unprecedented View Of Shuttle Docked at Station

Historic First Photos showing a Space Shuttle docked to the ISS were snapped on May 23, 2011.

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10 Teleskop dan Observatorium Paling Terkenal Dunia

1. Gemini Observatory

Dua mata lebih baik dari satu. Twin optik / teleskop inframerah Observatorium Gemini adalah terpisah, tetapi bersama-sama mereka dapat mengakses seluruh langit.

Gemini Selatan terletak sekitar 9.000 meter di Andes Chili, Gemini Utara (foto) adalah di bagian atas Mauna Kea, rumah bagi sebuah komunitas internasional dengan teleskop yang mengintip ke langit malam, dengan suasana yang sangat baik di Hawaii.

2. European Southern Observatory

Teleskop dengan panjang 3,5 meter ini merupakan teleskop pertama di dunia yang memiliki cermin utama yang dikendalikan oleh komputer.

Bersama teleskop ESO di Gurun Atacama di Chili, juga termasuk Very Large Telescope dan observatorium utama di Eropa.

Dikenal juga sebagai ALMA, sebuah kolaborasi antara Amerika Utara dengan Asia Timur dan Chile. ALMA akan menjadi The Biggest Earth Radio Observatorium dan paling maju di dunia. Yang akan membawa kita ke teknologi Observatorium berikutnya yang lebih tinggi.

3. National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) 

Beberapa situs termasuk Observatorium Teleskop Green Bank yang sangat besar dan masa depan ALMA AS. Baru-baru ini, para ilmuwan telah menggunakan data Green Bank untuk mencari frekuensi dari molekul di ruang antar bintang.

4. Chandra / Spitzer Space Telescopes 

Salah satu observatorium NASA yang terkenal (selain Teleskop luar angkasa Hubble) telah memberikan gambaran sekilas tentang alam semesta yang tidak dapat dilihat.

Orbit elips dari Chandra X-Ray Observatory, yang membawanya pergi dari Bumi, memberikan pandangan yang lebih baik dari daerah berenergi tinggi, seperti supernova.

5. Corot / Kepler Space Telescopes

NASA meluncurkan Teleskop Kepler di dua tempat yang berbeda, sehingga dapat mulai melakukan pengamatan. Satu di Perancis dan satu di Amerika.

6. W. M. Keck Observatory 

Setiap cermin utama terdiri dari 36 segmen heksagonal yang bekerja sama sebagai sebuah kesatuan dari kaca dengan teknik revolusioner yang memungkinkan pencapaian cermin besar.

Mereka telah membantu para ilmuwan membuat beberapa penemuan mengejutkan, seperti adanya galaksi di pinggiran alam semesta, mempelajari supernova untuk menentukan tingkat ekspansi alam semesta, sifat puncak gamma-ray.

7. Mount Wilson Observatory

Saat itu, kereta keledai digunakan untuk membawa cermin 60-inci ke puncak gunung. Gunung Wilson merupakan evolusi observatorium modern, dan salah satu tempat paling penting di sejarah ilmiah.

George Ellery Hale 60-inci, yang tidak lagi digunakan untuk penelitian ini akan digunakan untuk studi klasifikasi spektral bintang, yang merupakan dasar dari astronomi modern.

Teleskop Hale merupakan yang terbesar di dunia 100 tahun yang lalu, tetapi dalam waktu 10 tahun, digantikan oleh oleh beberapa teleskop canggih yang lebih besar.

Dengan teleskop ini, Edwin Hubble menemukan noda-noda dari nebula, bahwa alam semesta berkembang, dan bahwa kecepatan sepadan dengan perluasan Big Bang atau penciptaan. Observatorium Mount Wilson menjadi observatory utama selama 40 tahun.

8. Palomar Observatory 

Teleskop Palomar 200-inci membantu merevolusi astronomi modern. Para pembuat cermin menghabiskan hampir 1 juta dolar pada tahun 1934 dan masih belum cukup untuk membuat cermin kuarsa yang cukup besar.

George Ellery Hale, yang memimpin Palomar meminta cermin 200-inci terbuat dari campuran baru yang disebut kaca Pyrex. Perubahan suhu membuat Pyrex meluas dan kontraksi lebih kecil dari kaca biasa.

9. Galileo’s Telescope

Galileo Galilei tidak menciptakan teleskop, ia mungkin bahkan bukan orang pertama yang menggunakan teleskop. Tapi desain teleskop yang kuat memungkinkan dia untuk melihat lebih jauh daripada orang lain.

Dengan teleskop 1609, ia bisa memperhatikan bulan, bahkan menemukan empat bulan Jupiter, menonton supernova, menemukan bintik matahari dan memverifikasi fase Venus.

10. Hubble Space Telescope 

Hasil penemuan dari Teleskop Hubble selama dalam 18 tahun terakhir adalah untuk menentukan umur alam semesta, yang memverifikasi bahwa energi gelap mempercepat perluasan alam semesta, mengambil gambar planet di luar tata surya kita, dan bahan kimia di atmosfer mereka.


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Studying Saturn’s Super Storm

Three views of Saturn's northern storm. ESO/University of Oxford/L. N. Fletcher/T. Barry

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Foto-Foto Menakjubkan Dari Ledakan Bintang yang Mati

1. Garis X-ray Di Supernova Tycho

Gambar ini berasal dari Observasi Chandra yang sangat mendalam dari sisa-sisa super Tycho. X-ray bertenaga rendah (warna merah) memperluas puing-puing ledakan. Sedangkan X-ray warna Biru menunjukkan gelombang ledakan. Supernova seperti ini tidak pernah dilihat sebelumnya.

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Lone Planets “More Common Than Stars”

Artist's concept of a free-floating Jupiter-sized orphan planet. NASA / JPL-Caltech

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World Ending on May 21? Don’t Count on It

Why do some humans have a fixation on the world coming to an end? From ancient Nostradamus to Marshall Applewhite of Heaven’s Gate fame, there have been a myriad of ultimately failed predictions that the world will meet its demise. The latest prediction comes from Harold Camping, a preacher from California who says the Second Coming of Jesus will occur conveniently at 6 pm local time for each time zone around the world coming up this weekend, on May 21, 2011. While he claims to have used math to predict this event, perhaps a better use of math would be to count how many times soothsayers and doomsday con artists have incorrectly predicted the end of the world in the past. So far they have all been 100% wrong. Camping himself is guilty of incorrectly predicting the end of the world back in 1994, so his track record is not very good either. So if you’re wondering – mathematically speaking — based on the number of past predictions of the end of the world being right, and the number of past predictions of Camping about the end of the world being right, the odds of Camping being wrong this time are 100%.

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Endeavour Blasts Off on Her 25th and Final Mission

Blastoff of Space Shuttle Endeavour on her 25th and final flight on May 16, 2011 at 8:56 a.m. from Pad 39 A at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Credit: Alan Walters –

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Endeavour Unveiled for Historic Final Blastoff

Space Shuttle Endeavour unveiled for final blastoff set for May 16, 2011. Endeavour and her six man crew will deliver the $2 Billion Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer to the International Space Station which seeks to determine the origin and evolution of our Universe. Credit: Ken Kremer 

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Rekor Penjelajahan Luar Angkasa Selama 50 Tahun Terakhir

Terbangnya kosmonot Yuri Gagarin ke angkasa pada 12 April 1961 memulai misi panjang manusia menembus langit. Gagarin mengorbit selama 108 menit sekaligus melambungkan keinginan manusia untuk menaklukkan luar angkasa.

Selama 50 tahun sejarah penjelajahan luar angkasa, manusia telah menorehkan berbagai rekor. Berikut rekor-rekor tersebut.

1. John Glenn, Manusia tertua di luar angkasa

Senator Amerika Serikat, John Glenn, berusia 77 tahun ketika pesawat ulang-alik Discovery mengantarkannya ke orbit pada tahun 1998. Glen juga memegang rekor sebagai orang Amerika Serikat pertama yang berada di orbit saat ia terbang selama 88 menit pada tahun 1962.

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NanoSail-D Caught on Video

Dr. Robert Suggs, leader of the Space Environments Team at MSFC, captured NanoSail-D as it trekked across the sky on March 2nd, 2011. This video is from the small finder camera and appears just as was seen by the the naked eye that evening. Dr. Suggs utilized MSFC's Automated Lunar and Meteor Observatory to acquire the video. The same image was also captured in the facilities' 80mm and 14" telescopes.

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Dawn Planetary Delights

Dawn 11th May Credit: Adrian West

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50th Anniversary Ceremony Recreates First US Manned Spaceflight by Alan Shepard

50th Anniversary Celebration marking Alan Shepard’s first flight in space by an American
The May 5, 2011 celebration marking the 50th Anniversary of Alan Shepard’s first flight in space by an American astronaut included NASA officials and astronauts, Alan Shepard’s family, news media and community organizers and a crowd of more than 700 folks. The event took place at the very launch pad from which Shepard blasted into space from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, on May 5, 1961. Credit: Ken Kremer

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NASA Sets May 16 for Last Launch of Endeavour; Atlantis Slips to July

Space Shuttle Endeavour is now set to launch on May16 at 8:56 a.m. EDT from Pad 39 A following launch scrub on April 29, 2011. Critical APU fuel line heaters in the aft section of the orbiter failed in the final hours of the countdown. This close up view was taken while I was standing next to the orbiter in March. Endeavour and crew will deliver the $2 Billion Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer to the International Space Station which seeks to unveil the Unknown and uncover the birth of the Universe. Credit: Ken Kremer

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Catch Seven Planets Now!

Planetary Alignment in Tasmania by Shevill Mathers

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Gravity Probe B Confirms Two of Einstein’s Space-Time Theories

Einstein's predicted geodetic and frame-dragging effects, and the Schiff Equation for calculating them. Credit: Stanford University

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Two Views of a Lopsided Galaxy

This picture of the Meathook Galaxy (NGC 2442) was taken by the Wide Field Imager on the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at La Silla, Chile. Credit: ESO

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Take a Look: Huge Asteroid to Fly By Earth in November

Animation of the trajectory for asteroid 2005 YU55 - November 8-9, 2011. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

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Foto Menakjubkan Permukaan Bumi

Sejumlah foto yang dirilis oleh NASA terkait Hari Bumi 22 April lalu memperlihatkan sisi lain keindahan planet bumi ketika dilihat dari luar angkasa. Sebagian besar foto-foto ini diambil dengan teknologi Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) yang dipasang di satelit Terra milik NASA.

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Behind the Scenes at SpaceX’s Space Launch Complex 40

SpaceX's Director of Mission Assurance and Integration, Scott Henderson, discusses the benefits of horizontal integration inside the hangar of Space Launch Complex 40. Photo Credit: Jason Rhian

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Endeavour’s Final Launch further delayed another Week or more

Space Shuttle Endeavour awaits launch sometime in May from Pad 39 A following launch scrub called on April 29, 2011. Critical APU heaters failed during the final countdown. The APU's are located the aft section of the orbiter around the main engines in this close up view taken while I was standing next to the orbiter in March. Endeavour and her 6 man crew will deliver the $2 Billion Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer to the International Space Station which seeks to unveil the Unknown and uncover the birth of the Universe. Credit: Ken Kremer
Update: photo below shows location of access door used to enter orbiter near the main engines

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A New Spin on Galactic Evolution

There’s a new concept in the works regarding the evolution of galactic arms and how they move across the structure of spiral galaxies. Robert Grand, a postgraduate student at University College London’s Mullard Space Science Laboratory, used new computer modeling to suggest that these signature features of spiral galaxies – including our own Milky Way – evolve in different ways than previously thought.

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Parade Planet Diikuti Pesta Kembang Api Dari Hujan Meteor Eta Aquarids

Kesejajaran enam planet dalam satu garis lurus pada awal Mei 2011 akan menjadi pemandangan yang menarik di waktu subuh. Apalagi peristiwa itu akan terjadi bersamaan dengan hujan meteor besar yang bersumber dari rasi Aquarius. Parade planet akan diikuti dengan kembang api di langit.

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Fenomena Langka, Enam Planet Berada Segaris

Peristiwa langka berupa konjungsi planet terjadi di langit subuh sejak akhir April. Enam planet bersusun seperti membentuk satu garis dan berlangsung selama beberapa pekan mendatang.
Gambar Ilustrasi

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Fenomena Cahaya Hijau di Permukaan Bulan

Gerhard Hüdepohl yang mengurusi citra rekaman foto ruang angkasa di European Southern Observatory (ESO) merekam pancaran sinar hijau dari Bulan. Sinar apakah itu?

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Some of Picture From NASA

The Water Planet

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Wallpapers of Outer Space

These are some of the best wallpapers based on me that i took from one of my favorite site. The name of the site is "wanderingspace". You can visit this site if you are have the same favorite subject just like me. Enjoy these pictures. :)

(click these pictures below to full view of these pictures)

Wallpaper 1: ISS and Shuttle Separation

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Roket Swasta Terbesar Akan Diluncurkan di Amerika

Besar Kecil Normal

Sketsa Roket Falcon Heavy. AP/Space Exploration Technologies

TEMPO Interaktif, Washington - Perusahaan antariksa Space Exploration Technology (Space X) berencana meluncurkan roket terbesar yang pernah dibuat sejak pendaratan manusia di permukaan bulan. Roket bernama Falcon Heavy ini akan meluncur untuk pertama kalinya pada tahun 2013 dari Cape Cannaveral, Florida.

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22 April itu HARI BUMI (EARTH DAY) ?

Hari Bumi yang diperingati pada tanggal 22 April setiap tahunnya menandai hari jadi lahirnya sebuah perubahan pergerakan kepedulian terhadap lingkungan pada tahun 1970. Hari Bumi lahir atas prakarsa seorang senator Amerika Serikat, Gaylord Nelson. Saat itu ia melakukan protes secara nasional terhadap kalangan politik terkait permasalahan lingkungan. Ia mendesak agar isu-isu tersebut dimasukkan dalam agenda nasional. 

Perjuangan Gaylord Nelson dimulai sekitar lebih dari 7 tahun sebelum Hari Bumi pertama. Pada awalnya Gaylord berharap pemikirannya tercapai melalui kunjungan yang dilakukan presiden Kennedy ke sebelas negara bagian pada September 1963, namun dengan beberapa alasan kunjungan tersebut tidak mampu

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Earth Day

Earth Day is a day that is intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's natural environment. Earth Day was founded by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in first held on April 22, 1970. While this first Earth Day was focused on the United States, an organization launched by

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